What Experts have to say!
  • [vsw id=”oLEfdYomhdM” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”] Ned Harvey of the Rocky Mountain Institute answers the question “What environmental innovation do you see moving the planet forward?” at our fall Fracking […]

    Entrepreneurs – Money from NEW Energy

    [vsw id=”oLEfdYomhdM” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”] Ned Harvey of the Rocky Mountain Institute answers the question “What environmental innovation do you see moving the planet forward?” at our fall Fracking […]

  • [vsw id=”fC_y1u9jQ2w” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”] High-altitude wind energy from kites! – Saul Griffith In this brief talk, Saul Griffith unveils the invention his new company Makani Power has been […]

    Wind energy from kites!

    [vsw id=”fC_y1u9jQ2w” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”] High-altitude wind energy from kites! – Saul Griffith In this brief talk, Saul Griffith unveils the invention his new company Makani Power has been […]

  • [vsw id=”GqksCqR_Cgo” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”] Renewable energy has been both praised and derided as an alternative source of power over the past two decades. To its detractors it is […]

    Renewable Energy: Can it replace fossil fuels…

    [vsw id=”GqksCqR_Cgo” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”] Renewable energy has been both praised and derided as an alternative source of power over the past two decades. To its detractors it is […]

Cool Tips for You!
  • When people talk of the environmental effect of wind turbines and wind power, they often forget to mention the problems wind turbines cause to local wildlife. Birds are an obvious […]

    Wind turbines and wildlife?

    When people talk of the environmental effect of wind turbines and wind power, they often forget to mention the problems wind turbines cause to local wildlife. Birds are an obvious […]

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  • For every hour you use your tumble dryer, you could have cooked 48 meals in your microwave, more than a month’s worth of dinners.

    Green Tip #14

    For every hour you use your tumble dryer, you could have cooked 48 meals in your microwave, more than a month’s worth of dinners.

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  • Check the seal on your fridge. A damaged seal can make your fridge consume more electricity due to the cold air escaping.

    Green Tip #15

    Check the seal on your fridge. A damaged seal can make your fridge consume more electricity due to the cold air escaping.

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  • Energy efficient lighting options are readily available today. LED and CFL light bulbs consume much less electricity than conventional incandescent light bulbs & last 6 to 8 times longer.

    Green Tip #13

    Energy efficient lighting options are readily available today. LED and CFL light bulbs consume much less electricity than conventional incandescent light bulbs & last 6 to 8 times longer.

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